About Us

In the Lions organization in Israel, there are about 700 active volunteers who are members of 27 clubs throughout the country, from Nazareth in the north and Arad in the south. We are in process of establishing additional clubs throughout the country.
Lions Israel was founded by Mr. Teddy Kollek, the mayor of Jerusalem in 1960, at the request of the then Prime Minister, Mr. David Ben-Gurion.
The Lions organization is a registered association and has received approval from the Finance Committee of the Knesset. Donations to the organization are recognized for income tax purposes under Section 46a.
Lions Israel received the President's Award for Volunteers for its contribution to society and the community.

Lions Clubs Israel

Lions Activity during the "Iron Swords" War

Areas of Activity

Assistance to the Blind and Visually Impaired

Activities with Holocaust Survivors and the Elderly

Activities with People with Disabilities

Providing Clothing to Evacuees - LCIF Donation

Distribution of Scholarships to Students

Aid and Housing for Lone Soldiers

Environmental Quality and Sustainability

Blood Donations

Assistance and Purchase of Innovative Medical Equipment for Hospitals
Lions Clubs International

Clubs Worldwide
Israel Lions

Club LEO