Areas of Activity

Assistance to the Blind and Visually Impaired
Until recently, Lions Clubs conducted unique eye tests called "Lazy Eye" for thousands of children across the country for ____ years. Just recently following our efforts, the Ministry of Health has decided to include these essential eye tests as part of the health basket. This is a huge achievement for Lions Israel, which initiated this campaign that was then adopted by the Ministry of Health.
In the field of visual impairment, some Lions clubs support the blind and visually impaired population, walking alongside them and alleviating their loneliness. Four Lions Clubs play Lawn Bowling with blind adults weekly.

Activities with Holocaust Survivors and the Elderly
Some of the Lions clubs, in collaboration with welfare departments, operate clubs for Holocaust survivors called "Cafe Europa" in order to bring them joy and alleviate their difficult loneliness. Additionally, some Lions members "adopt" a Holocaust survivor and assist them on a daily basis in a "one-on-one" format.

Activities with People with Disabilities
Individuals with physical or mental disabilities who have left the education system at age 21 receive a variety of enrichment activities provided by some of the Lions clubs in Israel: classes, handicrafts, art, music, riding on specially adapted bicycles (also suitable for the blind), sports activities, and trips around the country.

Providing Clothing to Evacuees - LCIF Donation
Most Lions clubs volunteered during the Protective Edge war across all sectors: assisting evacuees, soldiers, wounded soldiers and families of the captured. Activities included providing equipment to soldiers, clothing, hot meals, knitting winter hats, and more. Assistance to evacuees included clothing, accommodation, classrooms for children, toys, free eyeglasses, and more. Additionally, helping to remove civilian vehicles from war zones, fun days for soldiers and evacuees, and more.

Distribution of Scholarships to Students
The Lions organization, as the trustee of the Reichwolski Fund, distributes scholarships to outstanding and deserving students in the field of natural sciences, based on criteria of academic achievement and financial need. The scholarships are awarded to students through a scholarships committee in full coordination and upon the recommendation of the deans of students at the relevant universities.

Aid and Housing for Lone Soldiers
Some of the clubs provide apartments for lone soldiers and assist them with dealing with authorities, daily living needs, and also provide hot meals.

Environmental Quality and Sustainability
The organization operates in several ways and channels in order to deepen awareness and concern for environmental quality, sustainability, and preserving the environment for future generations.

Blood Donations
Some of the clubs are active in blood donation drives by Magen David Adom (the Israeli emergency medical service) to encourage blood donations: they recruit passersby, fill out the forms that precede the process, and distribute light refreshments to donors.

Assistance and Purchase of Innovative Medical Equipment for Hospitals
The Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) supports large-scale projects that address critical humanitarian needs for entire communities. These projects are led by an LCIF coordinator in the district, identifying the need for developing an action plan and executing the project. A prominent project carried out in the country is the acquisition of advanced equipment for hospitals, primarily for the various ophthalmology departments.