Rachel L. Herzog
First woman elected as Israel Lions Commissioner
Between the years 1997-1998
Slogan: “Together in momentum to serve us”.
Rachel Herzog, daughter of an old Petah Tikvaite family, the Landes family, graduated from the seminary
for teachers at Beit Kerem and was a teacher in the 1st-4th grades for four years. where she studied
In the afternoons at the Higher School of Law and Economics – which later became part of Tel Aviv University, where she was the chairperson of the student union. Has a B.A.
in English from Bar-Ilan University.
After finishing her studies, she was the first woman to open a law office in Petah Tikva.
Upon her marriage to attorney Moshe Herzog, he joined her in the firm. Together they are parents of 3
To Dim and grandparents to 7 grandchildren.
Her way to Lyons.
To Rachel’s classmate, the late Judge Raphael Koret, who was a member of the club
Tel Aviv was a request from the Herzog family: they established a first club in Petah Tikva.
Moshe Herzog agreed, and together with Rachel founded the Petach Tikva Senior Club. Although women
There were no members of Israel Lions at the time, but Rachel was from the club’s activities. later,
When women were admitted to the Israel Lions, Rachel headed the father’s club in 1993/4
Petah Tikva
Rachel Herzog served as president of the Lionesses clubs in Israel. when the “Aboka” club was founded
– The women’s club in Petah Tikva, Rachel was very active in it, and upon receiving the charter
As a Lions club, she was president.
Words from Rachel:
As is customary at Lyons International, I went through a special designated seminar in Philadelphia, USA
to the commissioners, in June 1997, and I participated in the world conference, in which representatives from all
Lions clubs in the world, and in it I was officially announced as the commissioner of District 128 – Israel for the year
In the traditional procession of the participants from all the countries where there are Lions clubs –
We, the delegation from Israel, also participated in blue-white colors and the flags of our country. we won
to a lot of applause from the audience and the various delegations. Ten club members
“Aboka” and four members of the Givatayim club, and attorney Moshe Herzog, participated in the conference
the world, and they were of great help to me in orienting myself in a place where Lions members from all over the world were present.
On this occasion, we approached members of the Moroccan delegation and took pictures with them. in one of the meetings
held in Europe – we met a representative from Lebanon, Salim, who was later even elected as a representative
International in the World Lions.
Activity as district commissioner:
1. We based our work on a monthly meeting of the commission’s cabinet. The cabinet discussed
in short-term and long-term plans. Neat protocols were recorded from these meetings
and sent to friends. The cabinet meetings were held in a quiet, businesslike and pleasant atmosphere – and the planning
was at the beginning of the commission year for the entire commission year. This way of working was adopted by all
The commissioners came after me.
The members of the cabinet were: Secretary – Eli Tzirchi, Treasurer – Eli Kider, Commissioner Shekadem – Eli Ben Ya’akov,
Commissioner – Moti Nagor, first assistant – Dov Friedman (who retired at the end of the same year),
Mishna 2 – Ezra Shamir, the auditor of the Commission – Kadori Dahan, the spokeswoman of the Commission –
Carmela Bar Noi, projects and special events – Shimshon Zelbiger.
As far as I know, in my term of office order and transparency were introduced for the first time in the work of the cabinet.
2. During the year, I made a lot of calls with the presidents of the clubs. Since I had to
to continue my work as a lawyer, I used to call the presidents early in the morning,
And long after my term ended, they continued to remind me how “I woke them up early in the morning for the Lions work”. For the first time in Lyons, I held a meeting with all the club presidents, which we discussed
In the problems of their clubs, words of criticism or praise were voiced to each other, and suggestions were also offered
for the improvement and encouragement of the clubs. It was an instructive meeting. This institution has continued to exist ever since
every year
3. Strengthening our relations with clubs from countries around the world and especially in Europe which is the district
to whom we belong. This had a purpose, to bring our country closer to being part of the Lions organization
in Europe, to allow our members to get to know Lions members from all over the world and especially from Europe,
and recognize the power of the Lions World Organization.
4. A twin alliance ceremony was held between the Ramat Gan club (the president was Natan Shtelzer)
and the Hanover Club in Germany. The members from the Hanover Club came to the ceremony, led by Dr
Kurt Ritzur (former international representative from Germany). It was a very impressive ceremony in the hall
The Maccabiah Hotel in Raz, when Dr. Ritzur read the text of the twin charter in Hebrew,
And I read it in German myself. It was a mutual gesture. Pictures and explanatory notes on
The ceremony was published in the Lions magazine published in Germany, which is distributed to all Lions members
in Germany.
5. Like today, also at that time, great importance was given to the expansion of the Lions in Israel,
and increasing the number of members.
During my tenure, 3 new clubs were established and they are:
The Maris Wall Club in Nazareth, the Beer Sheva Hav Club, and the Jerusalem Club (the capital).
Also, all preparations were made for the establishment of a club in Herzliya. Eli Kidar worked on its establishment,
accompanied and accompanied him throughout the years. The year after my tenure – a charter was given to establish a club
6. There are certain institutions that I led during my commission and that still exist today and they are:
Greeting ceremony for new friends
The first greeting ceremony for new members was held at the community center of the Kafir Club.
At the end of the ceremony, the Mimona celebration was held by the Kafir club with the participation of guests
of all the clubs. This day is celebrated in all the countries where the Lions clubs exist on a fixed day
which was determined by the International Lions. I saw it as my duty to perform the ceremony at the same time
A day set, as a tribute and in recognition of all the Lions clubs in the world.
A musical competition to encourage young musicians (as part of the European Lions Forum)
This institution, started with my initiative and encouragement and with the help of the music committee headed by Shimshon Zelbiger.
The first competitor chosen was Guy Porat, and the competing instrument was the oboe. Guy Porat
He represented us with honor and played at the European Forum in Zurich, Switzerland. in the position of committee chairman
The music, I served for three years, after the end of my commission period.
Setting up a website
A web committee headed by Israel Lev-Ari was established, which began to operate a web site
of Lyons.
This was the beginning of the establishment of the Lions Israel website on the Internet.
8. I accompanied the activities of the various clubs for the benefit and well-being of the community.
Many were done by the clubs and I myself participated in them. I visited the clubs
the various ones, on their holidays and days of activity for the community.
9. Special mention should be made of the activity of the Arad club. Arad Club, under the presidency of
Yigal Sorokin, undertook to donate $75,000 to build a special clinic
For the treatment of women’s problems, at the Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva. to purchase the
The expensive instruments needed for such a clinic, the club sold honey jars in bulk
unusual, and in this way collected this high amount. The club’s activity should be noted
special for this purpose.
At our request, Lions International agreed to donate another similar amount through LCIF
of $75,000 for this purpose. This amount is the highest amount donated by the LCIF in Israel, and proves the great appreciation that the LCIF has for the community activity that is being done
in our country The amount donated was therefore, in total, $150,000 for this purpose. Hospital management
She held a beautiful reception where the LCIF amount was donated to the hospital.
10. At the ceremony of selecting the Person of the Year and the Men of the Moffet, which was held in the temple hall in Petah Tikva,
The exemplary people were chosen: Mrs. Yaffe Yarkoni – who is a part of the Israeli being, and brought
the gospel of Israel in the world, not only to the Jewish audience, out of a true mission for a long time
For decades, to Mr. Meir Amit – for his service in the security service, in the country and in the service
The intelligence, to Mr. Dan Proper – for his extensive activity in the company “Esem” – which proved that
There is a future for industry in the State of Israel.
11. In addition, I initiated fundraising for causes for the benefit of the community. This initiative comes from
I got to know the donors.
A. It should be noted the $100,000 donation given by a client of our office, a businessman from Australia
in the name of Max Light, in memory of his mother and his family members who were lost in the Holocaust, and this to the heart department of Beit
Hasharon Hospitals, headed by Prof. Zahavi. With this amount we bought a special device for echocardiograms.
on. A financial donation according to the will of a client of our office, which was divided into 3 houses, should be noted
Patients who cared for frail elderly people are: Beit Rivkah Hospital in Beer Ya’akov, Beit Rivkah Hospital in Petah Tikva, and Rabbi Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem.
These donations were made at the will of the donors and under our direction, with the aim of giving them through
Israel Lions.
13. Even after the end of my tenure as commissioner, I took an active part in the activity
The Commission and the Cabinet, in particular I have continuously dealt with Israel’s relationship with Moed all these years
And the Lions in Europe and other countries in the world, in invitations to events held in Israel,
In the visits of youths from the Lions in Israel, with the participation of members of the Israel Lions in events abroad.
Among the guests were the presidents of the world Lions, who received an enthusiastic welcome in Israel.
I participated in most of the European forums and also in some of the world conferences
(In Indianapolis – with Carmela Bar Noy, in Chicago – with Shalom Zakaria).
14. When I learned that the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera (one of my newspapers
the luxury in Italy) chose the image of the persecuted little Jewish boy, raised his hands
In front of the German klages as a picture of the 20th century, we found it appropriate to evaluate this,
By giving a certificate of honor to this newspaper. As a result of choosing the newspaper in this picture
As the picture of the century, the Minister of Education at the time in Italy, Prof. Luigi Berliguer, ordered L
Hang this picture in all schools in Italy for the whole year. the newspaper
He himself provided the pictures to all the schools in the country. We found it appropriate to give a certificate
Appreciation and respect also to Prof. Berligware.
During the European Forum held in Italy, in the presence of a representative of the Israeli Embassy in Rome
And in the presence of eminent personalities from the newspaper and Prof. Berlingware, we gave a letter
Special appreciation to the newspaper and a token of appreciation to Prof. Berlingware. This is done in the presence
All the thousands of Lionists from all over the world who were present at the aforementioned European Forum held in Italy.
15. My tenure as Lions Commissioner – as the first woman in Lions Israel – was
A year of hard work, but eventful and very satisfying. I think that in some ways
Many laid foundations for the continuation of institutions and activities that continued afterwards and became
For permanent institutions and activities in Lyons.
אתר מונגש
אנו רואים חשיבות עליונה בהנגשת אתר האינטרנט שלנו לאנשים עם מוגבלויות, וכך לאפשר לכלל האוכלוסיה להשתמש באתרנו בקלות ובנוחות. באתר זה בוצעו מגוון פעולות להנגשת האתר, הכוללות בין השאר התקנת רכיב נגישות ייעודי.
הסדרי נגישות
בבניין המשרדים קיימים הסדרי נגישות לבעלי מוגבלויות: בבניין בו פועלת החברה, ישנם שירותים נגישים המיועדים למבקרים עם מוגבלויות בכל קומה. כמו כן, קיימות חניות מיוחדות לנכים המגיעים למשרד ברכב ובעלי תו נכה, והן מסומנות בהתאם בחניונים הסמוכים. בנוסף, ניתן להשתמש במעליות הנגישות בבניין, והכניסות למבקרים עם מוגבלויות רחבות ומותאמות. כדי להבטיח נגישות מיטבית, נעשה שימוש בשיפוע בכניסה לבניין, המיועד לבעלי מוגבלויות וכיסאות גלגלים. כמו כן, ניתן להיכנס לבניין ולמשרדים עם חיית שירות.
סייגי נגישות
למרות מאמצנו להנגיש את כלל הדפים באתר באופן מלא, יתכן ויתגלו חלקים באתר שאינם נגישים. במידה ואינם מסוגלים לגלוש באתר באופן אופטימלי, אנה צרו איתנו קשר
רכיב נגישות
באתר זה הותקן רכיב נגישות מתקדם, מבית all internet - בניית אתרים. רכיב זה מסייע בהנגשת האתר עבור אנשים בעלי מוגבלויות.